• 名称:统计学 Statistics-最好的统计学课程视频
  • 分类:经济管理
  • 观看人数:加载中...
  • 时间:2019-08-31 22:47

统计学 Statistics-台湾国立交通大学,课程非常好,非常受大陆同学的欢迎,欢迎大家保藏!

老师讲的真好 强刷了两天刷完了 做了很多笔记 非常适合在国外读书的同学因为有中文讲解也有英文说明





Financial aspects lies fundamentally of both modern and ancient communities and i'm keen to increase my understanding of the interesting subject by studying economic ideas at college level. Up to now, my experience with the topic continues to be through my GCSE, AS and current A2 level studies and, although I know the subject can be really different at College, I'm believing that this is actually the area of interest for me personally and ultimately one I must follow like a career. A financially based subject is of particular interest in my experience due to the essential relevance it needs to everything nowadays, in the performance from the corner shop towards the efficient operation from the biggest multi-national companies. Trade and financial transactions underpin all communities which is because of this that I must study within this area at College.


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