Lecture 02019/02/19Course Logistics [slides]
Registration: [Google Form]
Lecture 12019/02/26Introduction [slides] (video)
Guest Lecture (R103)[PyTorch Tutorial]
Lecture 22019/03/05Neural Network Basics [slides] (video)
Suggested Readings:
[Linear Algebra]
[Linear Algebra Slides]
[Linear Algebra Quick Review]
A12019/03/05A1: Dialogue Response Selection[A1 pages]
Lecture 32019/03/12Backpropagation [slides] (video)
Word Representation [slides] (video)
Suggested Readings:
[Learning Representations]
[Vector Space Models of Semantics]
[RNNLM: Recurrent Neural Nnetwork Language Model]
[Extensions of RNNLM]
Lecture 42019/03/19Recurrent Neural Network [slides] (video)
Basic Attention [slides] (video)
Suggested Readings:
[RNN for Language Understanding]
[RNN for Joint Language Understanding]
[Sequence-to-Sequence Learning]
[Neural Conversational Model]
[Neural Machine Translation with Attention]
[Summarization with Attention]
A22019/03/19A2: Contextual Embeddings[A2 pages]
Lecture 52019/03/26Word Embeddings [slides] (video)
Contextual Embeddings - ELMo [slides] (video)
Suggested Readings:
[Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space]
[GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation]
[Sequence Tagging with BiLM]
[Learned in Translation: Contextualized Word Vectors]
[ELMo: Embeddings from Language Models]
[More Embeddings]
2019/04/02Spring BreakA1 Due
Lecture 62019/04/09Transformer [slides] (video)
Contextual Embeddings - BERT [slides] (video)
Gating Mechanism [slides] (video)
Suggested readings:
[Contextual Word Representations Introduction]
[Attention is all you need]
[BERT: Pre-training of Bidirectional Transformers]
[GPT: Improving Understanding by Unsupervised Learning]
[Long Short-Term Memory]
[Gated Recurrent Unit]
[More Transformer]
Lecture 72019/04/16Reinforcement Learning Intro [slides] (video)
Basic Q-Learning [slides] (video)
Suggested Readings:
[Reinforcement Learning Intro]
[Stephane Ross' thesis]
[Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning]
[Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning]
[Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning]
A32019/04/16A3: RL for Game Playing[A3 pages]
Lecture 82019/04/23Policy Gradient [slides] (video)
Actor-Critic (video)
More about RL [slides] (video)Suggested Readings:
[Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning]
[Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithms]
[Continuous Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning]
A2 Due
Lecture 92019/04/30Generative Adversarial Networks [slides] (video)
(Lectured by Prof. Hung-Yi Lee)
Lecture 102019/05/07Convolutional Neural Networks [slides]
A42019/05/07A4: Drawing[A4 pages]
2019/05/14BreakA3 Due
Lecture 112019/05/21Unsupervised Learning [slides]
NLP Examples [slides]
Project Plan [slides]
Special2019/05/28 Company WorkshopRegistration: [Google Form]
2019/06/04BreakA4 Due
Lecture 122019/06/11Project Progress Presentation
Course and Career Discussion
Special2019/06/18Company WorkshopRegistration: [Google Form]
Lecture 132019/06/25Final Presentation
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