• 名称:30天瑜伽挑战教学视频播放
  • 分类:强身健体
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  • 时间:2023-04-26 09:49



·      Inspire more people to try yoga

·      Create opportunities to allow people to understand “yoga can be only understood by practice it”

·      Help people to cultivate a strong commitment, discipline, dedication,and belief toward natural healing

·      Create opportunities for people with financial disadvantage 


·      鼓励更多的人尝试瑜伽

·      创造机会让人们理解“瑜伽只能通过本身亲自练习才能被了解”

·      帮手人们培养坚强的承诺、戒律、奉献精神并坚信自然的治愈的力量

·      为经济状况较差的学生创造体验瑜伽的机会

 I remember the first yoga class I attended here in Shanghai in 2005, I was in shorts and a tank top, looking back, I looked quite funny …before I cameto Shanghai, and I was making 400RMB per month. 200RMB drop-in for a yoga class back then was a sky-high number for me. Then I told myself “I will continue teaching myself yoga at home …” That's how I started self-taught yoga journeyin Shanghai… After 3 years of consistent home practicing, I found a newly opened studio named Namaste was doing a big promotion. 3 months unlimited for1999RMB I think (?), so I signed up immediately. I was so happy and excited; I was literally going there every single day and attending 2 or 3 classes EVERYday (I was a freelance at the time…). Grown up in a village of population of 600, and especially from a very poor family, I was always taught that if  youreally want something, you have to work hard to get it. If there is an opportunity opens up to you, embrace it all and devote yourself wholeheartedly.I took advantage of this big opportunity and really tried all I could to learnas much as I could about yoga. And above all this, deep down, I know I just loveYoga. It is this love that was and still is driving me until today.

记得我在上海参加的第一节瑜伽课是在2005年。我当时就穿着大短裤是在短和一件无袖衬衫…来到上海之前, 我每月赚400元。那时候,200元一节瑜伽课对我来说就是天价。然后我告诉本身“我要在家自学瑜伽…”这样我就在上海开始自学瑜伽的旅程…经过3年的练习, 我发现了一家新开的瑜伽工作室在做一个活动-1999元3个月无限制上课。我当时高兴的都跳起来了。立即就注册了。我当时超级开心、超级兴奋。我几乎每天都去上课,一天上2或3类节课(因为当时是自由职业所以非常的幸运)。我从小在一个不到600人的小村子里长大,家里又特别穷。所以,我总是被教导说,如果你真的想要什么,那你必需努力去得到它。如果有机会向你敞开,那就你就要去拥抱它并全心全意地去做好它。所以,我真的很好的利用了这次大好的机会,尽我最大的努力去练习和学习瑜伽。此外,最重要的是,在我内心深处我一直知道,我早就已经爱上瑜伽了。就是这种爱一直再驱使这本身。