一、神秘的英语单词 mysterious English words
词里有词 hear h‐ear ; learn l‐ear‐n l‐earn; think th‐ink
teach t‐each tea‐ch
“tea and teach” session 子母词 一起用 “边喝茶边教学” – 轻松教学
A ‘Tea and Teach’ session is an informal and friendly opportunity for learners to
talk with a professional so as to improve their confidence.
whodunit 侦探故事 detective story who’s done it?
nacho cheese 纳乔奶酪
This is nacho cheese!
This is not your cheese!
单词游戏:‐‐ 打开思路 从单词拼写来做游戏
How can you survive in a desert? You can eat the sand which is there. sandwiches
Which word is the longest in the world? smiles s‐mile‐s
What does it become when I jump into water? waiter wa‐i‐ter
节约用水 Save water! save: to put aside for future use
Use water wisely!
Why should one never marry a tennis player?
--Because love means nothing to them.
œuf [œf] > 法语,蛋,鸡蛋; 法语有冠词le, la; 加在元音前省略为l’, 故鸡蛋为l’œuf [lœf] > 读音极像love。
网球赛中比分零念为love,其实是l’œuf, 后讹传为love.
前进一小步,文明一大步! [The drawing near to close to civilization …..???]
We aim to please, you aim too please!
fat chance = slim chance little or no chance 没有机会,没有可能
但是,它们真的一样么?slim chance (几乎)没有机会,一丝机会
There‘s only a slim chance that we can win. 我们赢的机会微乎其微。
Even though I don’t study, there is still a slim chance for me to pass the
examination. 即使我没有学习,仍有一线希望通过考试的。
而fat chance 本应该表示机会很大,然而,它总是出现于讽刺场合,表示夸
You think you can win the lottery? Fat Chance. 想中彩票?做梦吧(不成能)!
样的用法还有: a fat lot : very little or none at all 几乎没有
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