• 名称:老外教你说口语在线课程
  • 分类:品牌英语
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  • 时间:2019-11-15 21:16


Lesson 6 

The Wrekin is a very large hill, situated in the country of Shropshire, near the city of Shrewsbury, in central England. Its name comes from ancient Roman town .... At its peak it is 1335 feet high and on a clear day gives a stunning view over the surrounding countryside, nearby towns and villages. The local legend of how the Wrekin was formed, tells of a Welsh giant, who after becoming lost, dumped a spadeful of soil, intended to blocking the nearby River Severn, on to the ground, thus creating the hill we see today. Some of the rock formation in the world can be found here, with some dating back over an estimated 2 billion years! This shaped piece of stone is called a “Triangulation Pillar’ or a ‘Trig Point’. The Wrekin is a popular place to visit for hikers and for those who simply want to get away from it all, while enjoying the fresh....this structure is called the ‘Toposcope’ and show the distances of all the surrounding towns and visible landmarks. Sadly the low cloud has settled on the hill, so there will be no stunning views for us today I’m afraid. 

Nobody heard him: the dead man But still he lay moaning I was much further out than you thought And no waving but downing 

Today we will take a look at the two sides or faces of how we can feel emotionally and the way these feelings affect both ourselves and people around us. In today’s lesson we will take a look at being happy and feeling sad. We all have feelings. They are individual parts of our character that show the way we feel, depending on the situations around us. When we say feelings, we actually describe one feeling at a time. Although sometimes, for instance, due to illness, a person may experience many feeling at once. The way you feel relate to your emotional state, mood, frame of mind, temper, disposition, state of mind, spirit. The prefix ‘bad’ or ‘good’ can be added to all of these words to show a positive mood or negative one. Our feelings and moods are all related to the wey we think in our minds. The study of the subject is called psychology. This also covers the way we behave generally. Our minds control everything we do. Besides actions, your mood also suffer your health. If you feel unhappy over a long period of time, then you may need to see a doctor. You could be suffering from depression. This is often caused by stress from a sudden change in your life such as the lost of your job or the death of a loved one. It may sounds strange to some people, but your mood can be affected by the weather. Psychologists have found that a chemical imbalance in the brain can cause us to feel sad when there is little sunlight about. Those affected will feel happier and more content during the summer time. While during the short winter days, they may find themselves becoming depressed and gloomy. This feeling even has a name SAD, seasonal affected disorder. 

It is amazing how our moods can change form day to day. You may find yourself jumping for joy on Monday and feeling down in doldrums by Friday. There are many 

idioms for feeling happy and sad. Happy as Larry. To be very happy. Jump for joy. To show your happiness. Smile form ear to ear, a happy face. Happy go lucky, a cheerful person.on top of the world, so very happy. Down in the dumps, to feel unhappy. Under a black cloud, sad and depressed. In the doldrums, to feel sad and gloomy. 

There are many different things around us that have the ability to change the way we feel. A piece of classical music might make you feel sad. It touches you emotionally. It moves you. A happy story may uplift your mood and cheer you up. You may find yourself crying and laughing while watching romantic movie either alone or with your lover. There is an expression in english that goes ‘laughter is the best medicine’ . This means that when you are feeling unhappy or down, or even unwell, the only way to get our of that mood is to watch something humorous on the television. Make a funny face in the mirror. Laugh out loud to until all your blues have gone away. 

I feel happy, i feel glad, i feel excited, i never feel sad, the day is alive, and i feel great, tomorrow will be good, i just can ’t wait. My heart is warm with a rosy glow. The smile on my face, i love to show. I need to jump, i like to sing, i want to live, i love everything. I feel down, i feel sad, i feel miserable, i really feel sad, i hate this day, i dislike it all, my heart is down, feel like i will fall, so gray is this world, with its trouble and strife. So cold is my spirit in this dark and gloomy life. 

In British english, we use the word sad informally as a way of describing something that is unfashionable or a person who appears to have no friends or any social life. That style of life is so sad. He never goes out anywhere, and he has no friends. What a saddo!! 

we can use the words ’ happy’ or’sad’ and their synonyms to show our reactions to something or someone. I’ m really happy to meet you. I’ m glad to have you as my friend. I feel brighter now you are here. I feel sad now you have gone. I feel down because i hate my job. I feel sick and my spirits are low. Bright , content, cheerful, elated, glowing, jolly, merry, joyful, sunny. Blue, forlorn, depressed, down, gloomy, glum, moody, solemn, woeful. 

It would be fair to say that we all go through times when things seem bad. People can sometimes let you down. They have the ability to say things that make you feel unhappy. Events and circumstances may come along and destroy your plans for the future. As the poet Stephen Spender once wrote, you must live through the time when everything hurts. Lives comes from no guarantees or promises. The sunny days of contentment can only be truly appreciated through the dark gloomy night of despair. For without sadness, we would never really know what it is like to be truly happy.