大家好 欢迎回到
hello everyone and welcome back to
english with Lucy这个节目 这是2017年的
english with Lucy the first video of
第一个视频 大家新年快乐
2017 happy new year everybody I’ve got
本年我们有很多计划 我们有
so much planned for this year we’ve got
发音课程 许多
the pronunciation course coming out lots
of other secret plans which I can’t tell
you about just yet but I will be able to
tell you about them very very soon
today I want to talk to you about your
发音 我有一个新年
pronunciation and I’ve got a new years
piece of advice that I would like to
你们 这个建议就是
give to you and the piece of advice is
don’t wait for others to educate you
educate yourself
好了 不要等着别人来培养你
ok so don’t wait for others to educate
你本身来提升你本身 本录制会
you educate yourself and this video will
帮你实现这条建议 我每天收到上百条
help you do that I receive hundreds of
信息 有来自邮件 脸谱网
messages every day emails Facebook
Instagram(一款软件)的信息 说实话 其中很多我
Instagram messages honestly a lot i
都不能一一回复 但我确实
can’t respond to all of them i do
回复了一些 然而大多数
respond to some but the majority of
people ask me Lucy how do you
发音的 Lucy你是怎样做到
pronounce through Lucy how do you
pronounce often
呃 如果你本身找到答案
well you really shouldn’t be waiting for
someone else to tell you how to
pronounce something if you can find out
the answer yourself i’m going to show
you how to learn to pronounce any word
任何单词 只要是英语 我
any word as long as it’s in english i’m
going to show you how to learn to
任何单词的发音 所以今天我
pronounce any English word so today i
want to introduce a very special
资源 他们并没有赞助我 我
resource they’re not sponsoring me i’m
不会从中捞到报答 这是
not getting paid to do this is the
resource that I use myself and I want to
share it with you
就是 Oxford learners dictionary .com网站
it is Oxford learners dictionary.com now
现在 你也许会翻个白眼
you might be rolling your eyes and
想着 哦 我的上帝 Lucy认为我们
thinking oh my god does Lucy think we’re
太愚蠢了 她就是给我们保举了一个
this stupid she really recommending a
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