《语法36计》Lesson 1 名词(上)
《语法36计》Lesson 2 名词(下)
《语法36计》lesson 3 高效学名词(上)
《语法36计》lesson 3 高效学名词(下)
《语法36计》lesson4 代词(上)
《语法36计》lesson4 代词(中)
《语法36计》lesson4 代词(下)
《语法36计》lesson5 思维导图学代词(上)
《语法36计》lesson5 思维导图学代词(下)
《语法36计》lesson6 动词(上)
《语法36计》lesson6 动词(下)
《语法36计》lesson 7 动力十足的心脏(上)
《语法36计》lesson 7 动力十足的心脏(下)
《语法36计》lesson 8 形容词(上)
《语法36计》lesson 8 形容词(下)
《语法36计》lesson9 去掉洋装看结构(下)
《语法36计》10 我是珍贵的项链,我是最佳配角副词(上集)
《语法36计》10 我是珍贵的项链,我是最佳配角副词(下)
《语法36计》11 我是珍贵的项链,看我七十二变
《语法36计》12 是连接的桥梁,我是中间的纽带连接词(上)
《语法36计》12 是连接的桥梁,我是中间的纽带连接词(下)
《语法36计》13 我是连接的桥梁,看我如何架桥造路 (上)
《语法36计》13 我是连接的桥梁,看我如何架桥造路 (下)
《语法36计》14 我是不可缺少的绳子 我是维系大家关系的介词1
《语法36计》14 我是不可缺少的绳子 我是维系大家关系的介词2
《语法36计》15我是不可缺少的绳子 也有我的家族成员哦(上)
《语法36计》15我是不可缺少的绳子 也有我的家族成员哦(下)
《语法36计》16 我是一个惊叹号 是让大家惊喜感叹词(上)
《语法36计》16 我是一个惊叹号 是让大家惊喜感叹词(下)
《语法36计》17 我是一个大大的惊叹号,透过现象看本质
《语法36计》18 八大词性复习,家庭大聚会(上)
《语法36计》18 八大词性复习,家庭大聚会(下)
《语法36计》20 “你赢了!”,请你继续夸赞自己-五大句型(上)
《语法36计》24 我要吃泡面“,我还可以做什么呢-五大句型(上)
《语法36计》24 我要吃泡面“,我还可以做什么呢-五大句型(下)
《语法36计》29 五大句型复习,武林秘籍带你走遍天下(上)
《语法36计》29 五大句型复习,武林秘籍带你走遍天下(下)
《语法36计》30 珍惜现在的美好时光,了解当下的现在时 (上)
《语法36计》30 珍惜现在的美好时光,了解当下的现在时 (下)
《语法36计》31 过去的就让它过去吧,讲故事必备的过去时(上)
《语法36计》31 过去的就让它过去吧,讲故事必备的过去时(下)
《语法36计》32 现在和过去怎么做区分, -十二大时态(上)
《语法36计》32 现在和过去怎么做区分, -十二大时态(下)
《语法36计》33 在和过去,亦师亦友,难舍难分-十二大时态(上)
《语法36计》33 在和过去,亦师亦友,难舍难分-十二大时态(下)
《语法36计》34 期待明天会更好,未来可期的将来时-时态(上)
《语法36计》34 期待明天会更好,未来可期的将来时-时态(下)
《语法36计》35 期待明天会更好,我们怎样预测将来-时态(上)
《语法36计》35 期待明天会更好,我们怎样预测将来-时态(下)
《语法36计》36 总复习,恭喜您,ATM英文语法闯关成功(上)
《语法36计》36 总复习,恭喜您,ATM英文语法闯关成功(下)
Thirty-Six Strategies
1. 瞒天过海 Cross the Sea by Deceiving the Sky
Man tian guo hai, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how one hides one's intention in the obvious to avoid detection.
2. 围魏救赵 Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao
Wei wei jiu zhao, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to avoid direct fighting by attacking the enemy's unguarded vital spot first.
3. 借刀杀人 Kill with a Borrowed Knife
Jie dao sha ren, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to make use of someone else's resources to do the job expediently.
4. 以逸待劳 Relax and Wait for the Adversary to Tire Himself Out
Yi yi dai lao, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to outsmart one's opponent with patience until there is a suitable opportunity to attack.
5. 趁火打劫 Loot a Burning House
Chen huo da jie, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to capitalize on the enemy's chaos.
6. 声东击西 Make a Feint to the East While Attackingin the West
Sheng dong ji xi, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes the act to confuse or mislead the adversary by saying one thing while doing another.
7. 无中生有 Create Something Out of Nothing
Wu zhong sheng you, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes creating momentum out of nothing in order to create something real.
8. 暗渡陈仓Pretend to Advance Down the Path While Taking Another Hidden Path
An du chen cang, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to distract with a sleight of hand.
9. 隔岸观火 Watch the Fire Burning from Across the River
Ge an guan huo, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to observe the enemies' internal feuds and enter the fight when they are exhausted.
10. 笑里藏刀 Conceal a Dagger in a Smile
Xiao li cang dao, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to hide hostility behind fake friendliness.
11. 李代桃僵 Sacrifice the Plum for the Peach
Li dai tao jiang, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how one sacrifices the less important to protect the vital.
12. 顺手牵羊 Take Away a Goat in Passing
Shun shou qian yang, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how one exploits an opportunity to achieve one's own goal.
13. 打草惊蛇 Beat the Grass to Startle the Snake
Da cao jing she, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to send a subtle warning to one's adversary.
14. 借尸还魂 Raise a Corpse from the Dead
Jie shi huan hun, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to revive something outdated for future purposes.
15. 调虎离山 Lure the Tiger Out of the Mountain
Diao hu li shan, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to lure one's adversaries away from their home base or resources.
16. 欲擒故纵 Let the Adversary Off in Order to Snare Him
Yu qin gu zong, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to give away something so the enemy lowers his guard in order to catch him.
17. 抛砖引玉 Cast a Brick to Attract a Jade
Pao zhuan yin yu, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to give away something small to take something big.
18. 擒贼擒王 To Catch Bandits, Nab Their Ringleader First
Qin zei qin wang, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to hide behind the power of another to possess more power.
19. 釜底抽薪 Remove the Firewood from Under the Cauldron
Fu di chou xin, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to eliminate the key strength of the adversary before attacking them.
20. 浑水摸鱼 Catching Fishes from Troubled Waters
Hun shui mo yu, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes the act to seize an opportunity in chaotic or unclear situations.
21. 金蝉脱壳 Escape Like a Cicada Casting Off Its Skin
Jin chan tuo qiao, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to use a cover to assure one's escape.
22. 关门捉贼 Fasten the Door to Catch a Thief
Guan men zhuo zei, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to isolate the enemy's key person or resource to make everything fall apart.
23. 远交近攻 Befriend a Distant State While Attacking a Neighboring State
Yuan jiao jin gong, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes the need to take care of immediate danger first.
24. 假途灭虢 Borrow a Safe Passage to Conquer the Kingdom of Guo
Jia tu mie guo, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to get one to lower their guard to annihilate both when facing two opponents.
25. 偷梁换柱 Steal the Beams and Pillars and ReplaceThem with Rotten Timber
Tou liang huan zhu, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to sabotage one's adversary by removing his key support.
26. 指桑骂槐 Point at the Mulberry but Curse the Locust
Zhi sang ma huai, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how insinuation is a neloquent way to reveal the truth.
27. 假痴不癫 Play Dumb
Jia chi bu dian, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes the act to play dumb to let one's adversary underestimate one's capabilities.
28. 上屋抽梯 Remove the Ladder after Your Ascent
Shang wu chou ti, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes the act to lure someone into a trap by cutting them off from what they need.
29. 树上开花 Decorate the Tree with Fake Blossoms
Shu shang kai hua, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes the act to fake it until one makes it.
30. 反客为主Turn Yourself into a Host from Being a Guest
Fan ke wei zhu, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to reverse the situation by exchanging places.
31. 美人计 Use a Beauty to Ensnare a Man
Mei ren ji, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to use seduction to achieve a goal.
32. 空城计 Open the Gate of an Undefended City
Kong cheng ji, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to fool the enemy into doubting himself and overestimating you.
33. 反间计 Use Adversary's Spies to Sow Discord in the Enemy Camp
Fan jian ji, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes how to spread misinformation through counter-espionage.
34. 苦肉计Inflict Pain on Oneself to Infiltrate the Enemy's Camp and Win the Enemy's Confidence
Ku rou ji, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes the act to guilt trip others.
35. 连环计 Lead Your Adversary to Chain Together Their Warships
Lian huan ji, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes a set of interlocking strategies that ties the enemy to defeat.
36. 走为上 Retreat is the Best Option
Zou wei shang ji, one of the Thirty-Six Strategies, describes the act to avoid traps by simply walking way.